a healthy dose


Shot Topics

Wow. Progress…




Film of the Day

I’ve always had a soft spot for Harrison Ford. The ordinary guy faced with extraordinary circumstances. No one does it better than Ford (except maybe Denzel) I thought Blade Runner was ahead of its time when I saw it on bootleg oh so many years ago and It’s still head and shoulders above many of the sci-fi flicks that it’s influenced over the years. The special effects are riveting but it’s the concept that does it for me. Robots living amongst us, almost impossible to detect, a duplication so precise that at times even they can’t tell if they’re robot or human. I usually don’t have much time for sci-fi but I always try and make time for this eighties essential Blade Runner..




Album of the Day
I picked this compilation up for 3 pounds in London last year (actually it was Cambridge but close enough) and besides my old apartment that was in a prime Brooklyn location and rent stabilized it is arguably one of the best deals i’ve ever had. Mantronix was like the Timbaland of his day. His day being the mid eighties to early nineties with a brief comeback in the mid nineties. Mantronix. ‘that’s my beat’ is a compilation of some of his favorite tracks from his prime. If you like to kick it real old skool this is a healthy dose of the genesis of what we now call Hip- Hop. Yes indeed.



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